Japan's number one cod-flavored soda beverage
Now available in North America!

iPhone app presentation

The Cool, Refreshing Taste of Real Cod!

Cod is a delight for your tongue, but too often pieces of the fish are discarded as waste. No more. Get all of that same delicious flaky white fish, meat, organs, scales, and bones, liquified and ready to serve.

300% of your Omega-3 and Omega-6 daily intake

Cod liver is a healthy source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Each bottle of Cod Blast! contains 3 whole cod and 18 cod livers*

*or one goat liver

A Great Source of Vitamin R!

Vitamin R is not a vitamin and is instead a folic acid promoting bacteria growth. And there's plenty of it in Cod Blast!

New Formula is Less Aggressive on Bowels!

You may suffer cramps, diarrhea, anal leakage, genital pustules, and blood demons from consuming Cod Blast! but each sip is just as tasty as the last.

About Cod Blast!

With its strong flavor, whole fish approach, and light toxicity, Cod Blast creates a unique, refreshing taste. As a healthyish alternative to generic soda or for a fun fizzy treat, Cod Blast! qualifies as a drink.

For best results, serve warm.

Cod Blast! is brought to you by the Eastern Hokkaido Fishing Concern, makers of Chum Chew fish tobacco. "Chew the Chum and Your Face Goes Yum!"


Contact Us Feel free to contact us regarding any matter you may have with our product or company. We will reply to you in a respectful tone.